Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner.
I think I will have applesauce and Cheerios.

Where's Grandpa?

Everyone did their part to put the meal together.
Daddy cooked. Grandma did the dishes.
Mommy decorated the pies.
Grandpa ran errands, kept the wood fire going and took lots of pictures.
Paul and Valerie fixed the squash.
Arnold made creamed cabbage.
Aunt Rhonda made peanut butter fudge and all kinds of luscious desserts.
We even had cranberry sauce made from the cranberries Grandma and Grandpa harvested from the back field.
William played.
Everyone was thankful.

Wake Up Daddy!

I want to play.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

All We Need Is a Box

A Family Tradition

Grandpa's Old Rocker

Grandpa rocked in it as a baby.
Daddy rocked in it as a baby.
Now it is William's turn to rock in it.
Who will be next?

New Hat and Mittens for William

How do you like the mittens and hat Grandma made for me?

William Plays with Great Grandma